The Mystery of Prevailing Prayers Part Two Koinonia Abuja Sermon with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak
- Pray: Lord, give me an encounter tonight. Cry out to God for a visitation in this place.
- Everyone that digged a pit for you, may the earth swallow them up now in the Name of Jesus.
- Whatever will not let you go, I declare that my God clears them out of your way in the Name of Jesus.
- The word of God has several assignments in the life of the believer; When you find the word of God, you have found the thoughts of God.
Benefits of the Word of God in the Life of a Believer:
1. The Word of God is responsible for providing growth and maturity through enlightenment. (Habakuk 3:3)
2. The Word of God takes ignorance from the life of the believer. (Ephesians 4:18)
3. The Word of God is the conveyor of His intents to men.
God’s thoughts are captured in His Word.
4. The Word of God cultures our thinking. (Philippians 2:5)
You are not truly transformed until your mindset and thoughts are altered by God’s Word.
5. The Word of God gives us wisdom; God’s perspective on all matters. (Acts 20:32)
- In this Kingdom, we grow on the strength of the light of the Word. You are not truly transformed if your mind and your thinking is not altered by the Word of God.
- Every territory is at the mercy of the quality of spiritual information supplied to it; You transform a territory to the degree in which you supply superior spiritual information.
I will search for you
And I will find youI will find you with all my heartI will lift my hands to you in worshipAnd I will worship with all my heart– Song
Oh God, You are my God
Oh God, You are my GodAnd I will ever praise YouOh God, You are my GodOh God, You are my GodAnd I will ever praise You– Song
- Pray: Lord, grant me knowledge tonight. Let me rise to your highest pedestral. Bring me truth that’s able to transform my life and empower me to be a blessing.
Matthew 6:5-13 (KJV)And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
The body of spiritual truth that are allocated for the victory of the saints are called Mysteries.A mystery is a hidden code of operation that is privy to a group of people.
When Jesus taught the Pattern of Prayer (Matthew 6:5-13), He dealth with;1. Motive2. Focus3. Vain Repetition4. Motivation
- Prayer is more than the desire to prove to men that you are spiritual, it requires passion and revelation.
- It is not only prayerlessness that hinders results. Inaccuracy in the art of prayer can lead to limited results and frustrated efforts.
Patterns of Prevailing Prayer:
1. Consciousness of the Fatherhood of God as your Source, Sustainer, and Defender. (Matthew 6:9)
2. Faith. (Matthew 6:8)
3. The Spirit of Reverence. (1 Samuel 2:30)
4. Prioritize the Kingdom. (Matthew 6:10)
5. Daily Provisions. (Matthew 6:11, Exodus 3:21)
6. Communicate Forgiveness. (Matthew 6:12)
7. Divine Direction through Guidance and Leadership of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 6:13, Isaiah 30:21).
For thine is the Kingdom
Thy power and the GloryForever and Ever…AmenFor thine is the KingdomThy power and the GloryForever and EverAmen..– Song
- The noblest decision any man can make in his lifetime is the decision to receive the life of Jesus. Tonight, God is calling you into His Kingdom.
- Salvation Prayer: Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God who paid the price for my sin on the cross. I believe You are risen and have defeated death. I repent from everything that is dishonouring to Your Name, I receive You as my saviour and I come into eternal life. Amen
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