Koinonia Abuja Knowing God with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak Preached Sunday 14th March 2021
- I clear everything standing in your way that’s hindering you from moving forward now in the Name of Jesus.
- I curse the spirit of death in the Name of Jesus.
Reasons for the Gathering of the Saints:
1. Encounters. (John 17:1)
2. Transformation through Spiritual Illumination. (Romans 12:1)
3. A manifestation of the Love and Power of Jesus Christ through Miracles, Signs, and Wonders.
4. An Opportunity for Impartation. (2 Corinthians 9:8)
5. An Opportunity for Fellowship to Witness the power of God. (Psalm 133:1)
- The real proof of love is the gift of yourself; so when God gives you himself, he has given you everything.
- The prime concern in our Christian journey is our relationship with Jesus. Material possessions and achievements can never be equated to having a personal relationship with God.
- We need to sit down and begin to take God seriously; God is instructing us to return to the secret place.
Komai na, naka ne
Komai na naka neYeshua Almasheya…Komai na naka neYeshua AlmasheyaKomai na naka ne– Song
Take all of me
All of me LordYou have my everythingUse all of meAll of me LordYou have my everything– Song
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seekYou are my all in allSeeking You as a precious jewelLord, to give up I’d be a foolYou are my all in allJesus, Lamb of GodWorthy is Your name– Song
- Pray: Lord, I am here again. Tonight I come to you with a sincere heart. Finally, I hear your call.
“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death..” – Philippians 3:10 (KJV)
- It is costly to know God; the price for all of God is all of you.
- Just because you know God is mysterious does not mean his ways cannot be vetted; you can probe into anything using spiritual parameters.
In the Kingdom of God, our pride is not predicated on the accolades of men nor our achievements, but in our knowledge of God. (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
- The first authorized platform for knowing God is the Word of God.
- We read the Bible so we are exposed to God’s character; Scripture reveals his character to us, his principles and methodologies (His mode of operation).
Authorized Platforms for Knowing God:
1. The Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16)
2. The Names of God. (Exodus 3:13-15)
3. Jesus Christ. (Colossians 1:15)
- God’s qualities are embedded in His Names.
- Jesus Christ came as a correction to our interpretation of God; He is our reference.
Salvation Prayer: Lord Jesus, I love you and I believe in you. I know that you are my savior, you are my Lord and you are my King.Tonight, I have heard your word and I receive your word. Come and be my savior, be my Lord and my King. I obtain forgiveness and I declare that the power of sin and satan is broken over my life in the Name of Jesus.
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